Project Profile
Project: Diamond Innovations
Client: Diamond Innovations
Scope of project: Approx (2,000m2).
Applicator: Beton Construction Services Ltd.
Project Description:
The existing felt roofing system of the manufacturing building and security building of Diamond Innovations in Dublin was leaking extensively. The seams between the individual sheets of felt were delaminating and rain water was leaking into the manufacturing area. Beton CSL recommended using a spray applied elastomeric polyurethane system to overcoat the roofs as a more cost effective alternative to stripping and replacing the existing felt system. In addition to this, the CONIROOF 2103 FM system provided the necessary globally recognised Factory Mutual Certification that Diamond Innovations, and the majority of multi-national companies, require for insurance.
- The manufacturing buildings were continually operational and could not be shut down to carry out the replacement of the existing felt roof.
- System specified needed to have Factory Mutual approval
- The project needed to be completed in a short time frame
- Unusual shapes, penetration and roof openings were to be integrated into the waterproof seal effectively and reliably without additional work or use of prefabricated parts.
- A seamless surface was required in order to prevent water tracking from one area of the roof to the other underneath the existing sheets of felt
- Surface needed to be durable enough to facilitate maintenance traffic
Solution: CONIROOF 2103 Factory Mutual (FM) roofing membrane
System Build Up:
Roof: Built up mineral felt roofing system
Preparation coat: Mastertop P660 epoxy resin preparation coat filled with oven dried quartz.
Sprayed Elastomer: Conipur M 803 FL @ 2mm thick
UV Coat: TC 463 HE
Advantages at a glance:
- Fast track curing (30 seconds)
- Speed of application (up to 1,000m2 sprayed per day)
- Ease of application process
- Ideal for overlay of existing problematic roofs
- Awkward shapes, penetrations and roof openings integrated without any joints, laps, welds or seams as the system is 100% monolithic
- Acts as a root barrier
- Crack Bridging
- Highly Durable
- UV and Weather resistant
- Easy to clean
- Diamond Innovations Roof Finished 08.02.2012 012
- Diamond Innovations Roof Finished 08.02.2012 011
- Diamond Innovations Roof Finished 08.02.2012 010
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- Diamond Innovations Roof Finished 08.02.2012 008
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